Bliss Collections To Do List Notepad, It's On the List, Magnetic Weekly and Daily Planner for Organizing and Tracking Grocery Lists, Appointments, Reminders, Priorities and Notes, 6"x9" (50 Sheets), CeraVe Vitamin C Serum with Hyaluronic Acid | Skin Brightening Serum for Face with 10% Pure Vitamin C | Fragrance Free | 1 Fl. Old Crucible + Consolidating your artifacts to have as many commons as possible (lots of mythstones! this is where you can completely ignore heroes, and focus everything on your ring. Once that starts being too slow, you turn off Lazy Finger (and random spells) and hire your 2 supports, then kill your way with horseshoes and Time Warp until you can't reasonably get a levelup on Vexx (as she gets it earlier), and reset the run. Almost A Hero is an RPG clicker game where a bunch of the most useless idiots embark on a quest to be slightly less useless idiots. Typically at around stage 500 you may want to swap to focusing completely on Vexx over your ring. Overpushing with him is no longer a major worry since he was rebalanced. The first 4 can be obtained by progressing through the campaign, while the others through chests: Charge Rune: Reduces the charge required for Thunderbolt by 10.Energy Rune: When an enemy dies, Thunderbolt gains 10 charge. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Be warned, it's a bit more grindy. This isn't a niche build that would require the removal of certain stats. This could be gems (for a new artifact slot or chests, especially chests early on), but most of the time, it is mythstones. The ring does damage and applies a 'Dread' charge to an enemy with each tap, up to 20 charges of 'Dread' (they can be all on one enemy or divided among them). The push from stage 600 to 795 will feel a bit hard and long. If you tap too often or too quickly, it will overheat, becoming unusable until it cools down. Yes! Not only that it is an active ring dealing solid damage, but also equipped with the right runes (which are easier to get overall), it can be a real beast for a long time. You gain a lot of mythstones from clearing epic bosses, use this to push as far as you can before it becomes too slow and painful. I can't take any credit for anything, especially this strategy, but this is what I found most effective for getting stronger. The main goal is to get a mythical called Custom Tailor. Again, just because these mythicals are listed so far down doesn't mean they should be ignored up until this point, just leveled up decently. Seriously, just do not even bother with it. For now, I find the ring-strat allows you to go way past the point where your heros start dying frequently, tanks included, this is especially with a decently leveled half ring. Ring strat is now useless. iOS and Android. Tier unknown: Good in moderation!I have no idea where to put these two mythicals. Gems - Only use gems for opening all 35 artifact slots. Without them, its a bit trickier because charging it up takes a long time but for early game and support options, its actually a good choice. If you like to have active play sessions using time warps, broken teleporter should be near the top of tier 2 and lazy finger may or may not be useful. At max level, it gives 1400% gold from enemies. Check out our job ad today! The fourth ring that you unlock in the game, during the mid-game stages (sometime around stage 500, cant remember exactly). Im mostly rewriting the speedrun guide so its a bit more concise and can be updated with future changes since the old author no longer plays. Only runes for already unlocked rings can be collected. The Rest: The end is near.Once you get through the grind of maxing Blunt & Impatient, you should have an idea on how to tackle the rest of your mythicals. Tier 3: Worth their weight in salt! Increases the number of possible stacks of 'Dread' by 10. I do not recommend wasting mythstones trying to roll off global damage to hero because that's an end game thing. But I think everyone uses some variation of this. BEST ADVENTURE COMPS Stage 1 - 400. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. Once you hit stage 795 and unlock the Token Mine, you are ready to devote your life to GoG. Tam - For pushing, use most of the ults as follows: hilt, wait, tam, vexx, wendle. I'm personally only going to invest in trinkets where I can use all the traits. Gold Redroh(Replaces Rotten Lenny around stage 645). It's now clear that trinkets are more of a late game mechanic, so I think it's a good time to write one now, at least an attempt of a guide. Meteorite: Automatically throws a small meteorite every 2s dealing 90% damage to a single enemy. Increases the charge duration by 3s.Remnants: Meteor shower is accompanied by 5 small meteorites, each dealing 90% damage to a single enemy. this is where you can completely ignore heroes, and focus everything on your ring. Jim - Gold & damage support. A lot of people think using Bellylarf is pointless, opting to go for the gold gains of Jim, or stun of Tam, but the core of the idea is that you level Hilt, then Bellylarf, then Vexx, then Wendle, then back to Hilt. Blessing. Then once killing waves starts to get slow, you use a golden horseshoe. It features a large number of quests the player can reach by progressing through the stages. I burned 5k gems on rolling trinkets, and 9k scraps on upgrading them. The track was produced by Jim Steinman, who co-wrote the song . Can only reduce 50% of the duration.Spiritual: When a hero casts a skill, it recharges the meteor shower.Starfall: Meteor shower also drops a star on the most injured hero, healing 15% of max health in 3s. Runes are unique to each ring, and confer special powers. Artifacts. You absolutely need to get these as often as you can. Ring is always the best for Farming and after HR Ring is best for pushing also. The player may also equip runes onto the Rings. Get it to an appropriate level for the early gains, but don't focus on it until last. An interesting ring that charges up as you tap and hold your finger on your display, dealing more damage if you hold for longer. First of all, lets check out a short overview of all the rings available in the game, with some words on potential runes and benefits each of them offers. Dont bother trying too hard to max your regular artifact slots. Put in limiters for hero items, evolutions, charms, and token mine based on adventure/gog level unlocks. Fire Resistance: Increases the max heat capacity of the ring by 100%Inner Fire: When overheated, increases all hero damage by 100% for 5s.Enchanted Fire: Killing a unit with fireballs reduces the heat by 25%Meltdown: Each fireball hitting the same target deals 15% more damage (Max 300%)Explosive: When overheated and fully cooled, increases critical hit chance by 30% for 10s.Luminosity: Each overheat reduces the cost of next upgrade for fire ring by 5% (max: 75%)Inferno: Attacks deal 90% splash damage. scraps are your biggest bottleneck in this game. You can use gems to buy chests for vexx items, but be aware that the resource value is very low in them, and its best to just wait for free chests. 8.5 X 11, A4 Sheets. The lightning ring is the first ring unlocked in the game and is unlocked at the start of the game. Privacy Policy. Without Bellylarf, you will not get that far. Charges with each . Dont push against a wall, regular artifact stats scale incredibly well right now, so painful pushing isnt recommendable. So having Bellylarf helps keep everyone alive (don't skill him towards damage, its not his purpose). Deals up to 200% more damage based on the heat level. Tip #1 - Hold to quickly upgrade your heroes. Meteor shower is accompanied by 5 small meteorites, each dealing 90% damage to a single enemy. Vexx & V - Gold earnings & treasure chest skills, Hilt, Vexx & V - Ultimates and ultimate related skills (increased duration) for clearing waves for faster progression and for killing bosses (Hilt, then Vexx) near the end of the run to get just that much further. You may choose to drop into adventure for about an hour or two every day, just to smash your way through hundreds of levels and get the free gems and scraps to upgrade your heroes and items for further GoG strength. The end of this setup is going to change based on when you get Oy and Ron unlocked and Leveled to Legendary/Mythic. ONLY IF SPEEDRUNNING: Spend the majority of the gems you get on rare chests to try and get all 3 items on Vexx as fast as possible. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. But it's expensive to max. Lenny - for Rotten Tomato debuff skill, use the ult similar to tam above. scraps are your biggest bottleneck in this game. Tapping while charging reduces the duration by 0.2s each tap. Max out Divided we Fall and otherwise level whatever you feel like. Giving a spell order isnt necessary given how high level Ron will get by the time that you unlock him. Were here to answer this question in todays article. Increases the charge duration by 5s.Ephemeral: Every 120s, time warp for 15s. Once your artifact slots start getting difficult to fill out with crafts, you may choose to buy more chests, at a moderate rate. Throw powerful fireballs to melt your enemies. 56 talking about this. Make sure all 35 your artifacts are in the 13-15k QP range before you invest in mythicals. The optimal place to prestige is usually around ~1.5 timewarps (from the start), for maximum mythstones/hour. Likewise, you may choose to do a few time challenges at some point, but other than that, try to stick to a routine of GoG farming for as long as possible. Has a long charge time so be careful with your timing. Gold V (Keep at the lowest level possible to put points into CITY THIEF): Gold Redroh (Keep at the lowest level possible to put points into LOOSE CHANGE). As for "hero/ring/global damage" stats, the best is hero damage because of hilt & wendle's skills which convert hero damage into ring damage. Max out Divided we Fall and otherwise level whatever you feel like. It also grants you a 5% chance for ring attacks to deal bonus damage, and it can be a critical hit too. If I were to do it again, I'd be more choosy about which trinkets I used, and if I didn't like any, I'd just equip the most useful, and level them a few times, spending no more than 200 scraps per trinket. I use Creep, Shroud, Lurk. Once you hit stage 795 and unlock the Token Mine, you are ready to devote your life to GoG. Lazy FingerIf you are following the ring strategy above, making runs go as quick and painless as possible will benefit you, so you can consider getting this to a high level earlier. Especially, Mobile Legends Bang Bang and COD Mobile. This is the easiest ring to get to 3 runes without paying money (or using diamonds), as you get them quickly through the campaign. You can add a few levels to this later on, just to change it up, but don't be too zealous or it'll get too expensive for your stage in the game. But I and many people have found the ring strat to be really efficient at gaining mythstones, especially if you are gonna sit down and have a play session. Cookie Notice Glacier: Deals +400% damage to stunned units, -50% otherwise. Drop. This is why I recommend getting all your heros to legendary (5 stars). (All to 20, all to 30, all to 40) and then when they're all getting a bit expensive (when HR, AT & GL are at 70 or 80ish) then I would focus on getting HR to 100, AT to 91, GL to 100, and Free exploiter will have maxed at 60. The goal is to always have Oy leveled to a point where his Scarecrow isnt in danger of dropping off, and to keep Ron levelled as much as possible. Cold Wind. The key to time challenges is to spend as little time on them as possible (ironically). Strategy: I would level all of these evenly. Max everything. Have fun with the unique combats which combine both the idle clicker gameplay with exciting RPG elements. Biggest findings summarized. Hilt's debuffing ult can also help boomer's ult too. Increases the charge duration by 3s. Just keep them a good 1-2 slots ahead of what you can actually afford to craft in mythstones. This build may end up giving you an overall slower waveclear so your runs will be a bit longer, but will push you much farther by the end of the run. Meteor shower charge +3s. But what is the best ring to use in Almost a Hero in 2019 and beyond? . As you unlock them, its more time efficient to focus GoG and Seasons and use any extra heroes in adventure for passive mythstone gain. I will be writing this general guide about what is going to get you the most consistent results, and what has been tested time and time again by actual speedrunners. If you prefer to leave your phone on and to the side while doing other things, broken teleporter isn't important, but lazy finger is useful. The reason you level these 4 are for their effects. Once that starts being too slow, you turn off Lazy Finger (and random spells) and hire your 2 supports, then kill your way with horseshoes and Time Warp until you cant reasonably get a levelup on Vexx (as she gets it earlier), and reset the run. Mines will become your biggest source of stats in adventure so you're not missing out there ;). Enemies that are hit by meteors take 100% more damage from the next attack. You'll easily nab your 4th slot, go ahead and roll on it, but still focus on getting that good foundation with your first three mythicals. So i just ignore the top tree for the most of the run. 3% of alive heroes' damage is applied to meteor damage. This is usually when merchant items run out or dont give a meaningful boost. Leveling hero items and regular artifacts during your runs is the key to making it far on your runs. The rest of the scraps will be invested into hero items evenly (all 4 stars, then all 5 stars). Having Sam at Rare is also highly recommendable, but dont level him beyond that for now. u/gardenghi16 has a pretty solid setup for a 5080 run. Keep at level 5 or whatever level needed to access the below skills. Fire Ring has 11 available runes; 4 of them are rewards for progressing in Adventure mode. Impatient RelicImpatient is the only gold mythical outside of custom tailor, and its power drop . Blunt RelicBlunt gives a lot of damage per mythstones, completely overshadowing DPS Matters. Having Sam at Rare is also highly recommendable, but dont level him beyond that for now. Spend the majority of the gems you get on rare chests to try and get all 3 items on Vexx as fast as possible. That you watch gem ads whenever they're available. Spending 50 gems to buy trinkets can be a decent source of scrap. Boomer doesn't get a 4th hero to help cool down his ult, but I think it's a decent trade off. Try to keep your TAL as high as possible by leveling everything that gets cheap. Shoots lightning at enemies. Of course, life always gets in the way of super optimal runs, so usually I go a bit further, but that's fine. If you are pushing a wall with Vexx dying a lot, and you dont have something like a gold bag to carry you forward, just prestige and get the run back there. Increases the charge duration by 3s.Recycle: If an enemy gets killed by a meteor, it charges 1s for the next meteor shower.Smash: 3% of alive heroes damage is applied to meteor damage. Hilt will spec ring damage and the ult debuff skills. Earth Ring has 9 available runes; 3 of them are rewards for progressing in Adventure mode. Critical hits slow down the enemy attack by (50-80)% for 3 sec. 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(Max: 120%). Just keep at it, you will get there, but it may take a few prestiges beyond stage 600. 10 gems adds up a lot faster than you think, BUY SCRAPS FROM FLASH OFFERS. KEEP 500 TO 1000 GEMS FOR RUNES so that you can buy them any time they're available. Wendle - Apart from ring damage & cost reduction, the rest of his skills don't matter. Keep Redroh as low level as you are able to while still having access to Loose Change. This is usually when merchant items run out or dont give a meaningful boost. (I stop using V when it becomes too expensive to level her, which is near to the end of the run, but her ult is great in the first 3/4ths for quick 20 second wave clears). Heros are placed far enough from each other so they take turns leveling so progression is smooth. You won't feel its effects until around level 45-55, depending on what else you had before your custom tailor journey. Don't hold onto them because you happen to like them, they will get way stronger if they're of a higher quality. As for "hero/ring/global damage" stats, the best is hero damage because of hilt & wendle's skills which convert hero damage into ring damage. This is a ring that also makes more active players happy (as you have to constantly tap to use it) and it deals a ton of damage, having really interesting runes: 9 of them, to be specific, with 3 unlockable through regular progress: Lurk: Enemies with more than 3 stacks of Dread deal 30% less damage.Twilight: If an enemy dies with more than 10 stacks of Dread, restore 10% health to all allies.Gloom: If an enemy dies with more than 10 stacks of Dread, it gives 75% more gold. They can be equipped to any character and swapped between them. Calls a deadly meteor shower from the sky. At the beginning, the effects are impossibly small, overshadowed by your current artifacts, and any mythicals you may have leveled. I got this strategy from others in discord, and honed it over multiple discussions with folks from there.
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