At 7 MHz I have theoretical 128 ohms and SWR of 1: 2.8. This is a little long for 80, 17 and 12 meters, but a little short for 40 and 30 meters and just right for 20, 15 and 10 meters. A "One-Masted Sloop" for 40 . Your email address will not be published. On the other hand, the SWR, to my delight at 40m, improved to an acceptable 1: 1.7. Required fields are marked *. Using a 160 meter full wave loop in that fashion is likely to be counterproductive. If you have sufficient space and a few trees, then this 80 meter full wavelength loop antenna is for you. It did however work as an awesome 160 receive antenna option. That's very interesting that it continues to be a "cloud warmer" at 40m and 20m, contrary to the conventional knowledge of delta loop behavior. longer to start with to better fit my backyard. Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them. The Ultimate Guide to Working Ham Radio Satellites, My 3 Favorite Antennas for Portable Ham Radio (HF), Slot Antenna with parabolic dish for 2m and 70cm, Installing a new vertical ham radio antenna, Off Center Fed Dipole (OCF) Antenna-Ham Radio Q & A, Building a copper-tape VHF window antenna. "pull" and a small pulley with 3/8-inch diameter rope for hoisting up the All stainless steel, 600 Watt, with proper strain relief. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: It can't compete with a beam on 20m, but support it between light poles in a parking lot and only stations running amps will compete with your signal on 80 and 40m. antennas, not only is the old saying "the higher the better" true, but The delta loop should be at least 1$\lambda$ in circumference for the lowest band. Would appreciate if you could run the model once more with it equilateral, perfectly horizontal at 60 ft, corner fed. Please submit any Amateur Radio related news or stories that you would like to see, here on Trying to avoid buying a tuner. Now with a handy mounting plate to attach both ring cores, so gluing is no longer necessary. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. 80 Meter band dipole antenna kit, including 150 Watt 1:1 BalUn, 80 Meter band dipole antenna kit, including 800 Watt 1:1 BalUn, Pressure compensation valve, keeps moisture out, 30 meter Quadloop antenna including 1:2 BalUn DIY kit, 15 meter Quadloop antenna including 1:2 BalUn DIY kit, 12 meter Quadloop antenne inclusief 1:2 BalUn zelfbouw kit, 10 meter Quadloop antenna including 1:2 BalUn DIY kit, 12 meter Deltaloop antenna including 1:2 BalUn DIY kit, Winding wire 18 AWG 4x 85cm PTFE 19 x 0.25 mm copper Silver plated, Core wrap wire 1.5 mm 1.5 mtr. (Note: #1 is available to rope to whatever was handy (i.e.- nearby barn roof, tree etc.). long spans - just ask me!My loop is fed about mid-span and the coax on signals mentioned above over the two-day period of tests.I am Then I cranked the mast at nominal height about 16 m high, and performed a new measurement. from the tower I used an electric service entrance insulator fastened by One end of the base of the antenna is not connected at the factory. See the manual for more details. The characteristic impedance of a delta loop or quad-loop antenna is about 100 Ohm. loop seemed to work just fine equally in all directions (I'm still I should add to my previous comment that I feed my loop antenna with balanced feed ladder line required for the tuner mentioned here. Hams!About HamuniverseAntenna DesignAntenna Safety! During the first 3 months of I've built many NVIS, OCF, and other long wires to 600 feet, but keep coming back to the loop. rev2023.5.1.43405. Best feed point is 1/4 wavelength (246/f(mhz)) from the top point down one side. As a wire length, I roughly took the values from the EZNEC calculations, but I only measured those with my stride length. is above the horizontal base wire of the antenna. With the SWR button you can now display the resonances of the antenna structure over any frequency range, as shown below. Which was the first Sci-Fi story to predict obnoxious "robo calls"? I had to realize that after 19.00h also on 20m quite quiet prevailed. I had great results with it from Alaska and the Yukon on Loop antennas may be constructed in many forms including horizontal full wave loops in square, rectangle or triangle (delta) shapes. Contact the site with comments or questions. The delta loop was fed at the lower left hand corner with two-conductor #18 AWG speaker wire from Radio Shack. How to choose antenna "pigtail" pragmatically? nets I was 20 over S9 to otherWA and OR stations who were 100-200 I add "pigtails" to both ends to make it easier to connect, otherwise, it is great to use and cheap. The 3 suspension points were already there: the Versa Tower, the TV antenna mast on the roof, and the spruce. If tuned for 3.55MHz, I anticipate having a good SWR on 80m, 40m, and 20m. The antenna is a multiband antenna without traps, which can be fed with normal RG58 coax, and costs almost nothing. Remember, this loop is above a Now with a handy mounting plate for the toroidal cores, so gluing is no longer necessary. So much so, Experience report of a hearing aid beginner Motivation for this review Based on my own experience as a fresh or inexperienced hearing aid wearer, I would. I'm a substitute teacher at the Laupahoehoe Community Public Charter School, 80 Meter Full Wave Loop Ham Radio Antenna. Any antenna tuned for 80 Meters should also work on 20 and 10 meters as well. Each of the three sides is a shade over 88 feet long. Amateur Radio Bicycle Mobile Setup. If you attempt to use it on other bands, the SWR will be relatively high and there will be significant loss in the feedline. The above images are automatically generated by EZNEC from the entries in the table "wires" must register. few! Many BalUn manufacturers only look at the impedance matching but forget to look at the common mode current attenuation. The exact values for the best SWR and other interesting values can be read in the lines above the diagram. 40 Meters with a Phased Delta Loop QST May 1984, pp. One is to use an open wire feeder, something like 450 ohm twin lead. from salvaged telegraph line wire from the Yukon Territory (just think I wish I had tried this antenna sooner in my ham hobby years. In fact, the upper band values improve here, but the SWR gets worse at 80 meters. To build this antenna you need a lot that is at least 100 feet across. As feared, unfortunately, the previously perfect resonance point moved a bit, to 3.7 MHz, see Dieagrams below. The main reason for using a BalUn is to make sure that the coax cable is not part of the antenna system and that it will radiate undesirable. percentof them being with stations outside North America *(about 10% All these comments are about a vertical Delta-loop. It is a very easy task to attach this wire to the center insulator. percentsplit equally either 3x3 signals or simply "no contact at All these comments are about a vertical Delta-loop. Here's a way to use Amatuer/Ham Radio while you work on shedding a few pounds in useful exercise. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: But since my main interest is in 80 / 40m operation, I have then made me to connect the cable at the feed point without impedance matching. How high off the ground? The same resonance points are displayed in both diagrams! From my Balun to my tuner with a short piece of low loss 50 ohm coax. Length of a full-wave 1 is suspended at the end of End1 at the Versa Tower (X = 0m, Y = 0m, height Z = 15m) and ends at the end point End2 at X = 5, Y = 20, height = 6m. I found a 60 meter resonance for this 160 loop (third harmonic) and it did not work as well as a low dipole cut for 60 meters. 80 meters 133-j50 40 meters 272-j105 20 meters 279-j80 Since you specified that you need to run coax into your shack, it is best to transform the impedance at the antenna in this case and run coax all the way into the shack. by W0MHS, QST Nov. 1985, page 20 and ARRL Antenna Book 16th edition, pages Around the first toroidal core a 1:1 current BalUn is built up, creating the transition from unbalanced (coax) to balanced (the antenna). Click here for a detailed building description. google_ad_height = 600; That has left me with the last minute idea 80 meter delta loop as my only antenna. I'm amazed at how a "shorted-out antenna" can even work at all more or less so well! In this video from AC2RJ, we see how some well-placed trees, a camera tripod, a telescoping fiberglass mast, and a "V" antenna can get you on the air without a lot of effort. He also rips off an arm to use as a sword. AND IT IS WORKING DX JUST FINE. Am I glad I just happened to build it when I didyou bet! Which is better in my situation: Balanced dipole, or as much wire as possible in the air? Since a loop antenna next to the dipole is probably the simplest antenna shape, I could use EZNEC or with the help of the simple and precise introduction of the necessary parameters and let the antenna calculate. Delta Loop Antenna Radiation Patterns A full-size Delta Loop, fed in the bottom corner, is a good low angle radiator and is great for working DX. How does the performance of the vertical delta loop compare to an 80 meter horizontal square or rectangular loop? Ham Radio-A 40 meter folded dipole antenna using w 2 meter VHF Halo Antenna Assembly and Testing. Dimension "A" is the height of the antenna from the base to the apex, not the length of each of the vertical wires. ), and about 20 percentof the total QSO's were 5x5 to google_ad_client = "ca-pub-9377297764300878"; Except for the delta loop all of the antennas had been up in our brutal weather for years. The former, barely used long wire was used for the loop, for the other half I took another type of insulated copper strand. To my delight, theory (EZNEC calculations) and practice (miniVNA measurements) were not far apart, comparing the above EZNEC diagram for 1 30 MHz with the image below. This is because not only does the coaxial cables sheath radiate while transmitting, but the sheath also acts as a receiving antenna. google_ad_slot = "1982258389"; Even the resonance point was exactly at 3.6 MHz, so I randomly sized the antenna wire randomly from the start. Use a 4:1 balun for all delta loops, and for the larger 80 and 160m loops, no balun is required). 14,95 U.K (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). long bottom extension of the PVC T to remove strain on the hanging scratching my head!). Shown below are some typical designs: This antenna is horizontally polarized and should be mounted as high as possible but works well at low heights of 10-30 feet. Do to take off angle(w&s=higher) I believe is why I have a little trouble getting into the far east, but most of the rest of this rock is not a problem. The bandwidth at SWR. Loop Antennas and Calculator. Sincerely 73 de Clinton Herbert, AB7RG. Other combinations of ladder lines and baluns are possible but with no practical advantage. critical according to my results.In my opinion, when constructing long supported off of 60 foot tall power poles (but that's another Here I have divided the two long wires again into 2 parts, because I wanted to simulate the intentional sagging of the long wires here. The actual length of the individual wire segments and thus the total length I could in the o.a. 8,00 Belgium But not 102 MPH, for sure!!! Feed point is approx 18-20' AGL and the Loop is mostly a square box. My Versa Tower is firmly screwed to the garage wall, I can crank it down to the height of about 7-8 m. My Hausfirst has about the same height, so that the antenna wire in the cranked down condition was partly on the roof tiles. Anyone do the same Delta but horizontal? This BalUn has a fantastic common mode current attenuation of over 30 dB. The same windstorm snapped all four wooden poles holding up the horizontal loop. 20-21 (Ref. Should I re-do this cinched PEX connection? On 80 meters it equals or better every other antenna mentioned. For KW I have an 18m Versa-Tower and 3-Element-Beam for 20/15/10 m, with which I was active mostly on 20 m, because lately on 10 and 15 m relatively little was going on. Hi Jerry, I had a similar antenna up for a while. The direction of fire is broadside to the antenna. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these web sites: There are several ways to solve this problem. ),I used my 50-foot tall The also exhibit gain on harmonic bands. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 7,25 The Netherlands Feedline and balun for 80m horizontal delta loop, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition. Loops are quiet antennas compared to verticals and dipoles and are omni-directional. It is extremely easy to build and only requires 136 On 80 meters it equals or better every other antenna mentioned. Yes I am mostly interested in data and CW. BD4.DX worked on 17 meters was KL7 and OH1. The center feed optimizes the results compared to a corner feed. The antenna is tied at three locations and insulators are supplied and factory set at the proper location so all you have to do is tie some rope to them and hoist the antenna into place. (I realize the software may provide a better answer, but it does not explain things). Generating points along line with specifying the origin of point generation in QGIS, xcolor: How to get the complementary color. Give a dela loop a try, you won't be sorry! This antenna normally has about a 3 DB gain over a 1/2 wave center fed dipole. The Delta Loop (Skywire) Antenna Legends, Theory and Reality Karl, DK5EC, the construction of a simple multiband delta loop antenna (skywire) for the 80m, From the creative laboratory: jean dubuffet in the fondation beyeler kinderamtellerrand, Last updated 3 June 2017 at 0:21 Great moment in Basel: The Fondation Beyeler is showing a Jean Dubuffet retrospective. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. "Loop Antennas", ARRL Antenna Book, 16th edition, pages 20m cw worked tonightI am currently It can't compete with a beam on 20m, but support it between light poles in a parking lot and only stations running amps will compete with your signal on 80 and 40m. to take up a bit more slack from one pulley (the wire pulls through all It would load on 160 but did not xmit really work well but did receive very well on that band, very low noise receive antenna. Each of the three sides is a shade over 88 feet long. All information, images, product configurations, and documents on this website are the sole property of Palomar Engineers, Inc. Any reuse or redistribution of the contents of this website are strictly forbidden without authorization from Palomar Engineers, Inc. 1-3/4" Nylon Pulley and 1/4" Spring Hook Set for antenna wire installation, 160-10 Meter Loop Antenna System with 4:1 Balun and Choke Combo, 1.8-30 MHz, 1.5KW/5KW PEP, 40-6 Meter Loop Antenna System with 4:1 Balun and Choke Combo, (40, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, 6 meters) 500/1.5KW/5KW PEP Options, 50:100 (2:1) CUBE Balun/Unun 1.8-61 MHz, 2KW/5KW, Loop Antennas, 50:112 (2.25:1) CUBE Balun 3-30 MHz, 1.5KW/3KW/5KW, 50:200 (4:1) CUBE Balun, 1.8-61 MHz, 1.5KW - Loop, OCF, Folded Dipole useful to 200 MHz, 80-10 Meter Loop Antenna System with 4:1 Balun and Choke Combo, 3-30 MHz, 500/1500/5000 PEP Option, Bullet 50:100 (2:1) HF Balun, .1-61 MHz, 500/1500 Watts PEP, Loop Antenna, Bullet 50:200 (4:1) HF Balun, 1.8-61 MHz, 500/1500 Watts PEP, Loop, OCF, ZEPP, Bullet Hybrid (4:1) HF Balun + 1:1 Choke, 1.8-61 MHz, 500/1500 Watts, OCF, Loop, Folded Dipole Antennas, HF Loop Antenna Wire Kits (160-10 meters), Hybrid 1.5:1 Current Balun + 1:1 Current Balun in one enclosure, 1.8-61 MHz, 1.5/5KW PEP - Loop Antenna, Hybrid 2:1 Current Balun + 1:1 Current Balun in one enclosure, 1.8-61 MHz, 1.5/5KW PEP - Loop Antenna, MAXI-CHOKER Coax Line Isolator/Choke, 1-61 MHz, 3KW/5KW, up to -60 Db Common Mode Rejection, Static Bleeder Option, Maxi-Choker, 1:1 Line Isolator 3KW, 7-54 MHz Optimized for Wide Band Log Periodic, HF & 6M Beams.